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Monday, August 30, 2010

Our Investor

Investment is a general concept of putting forward our own money, time and effort, or those of others, in return for appreciation of value. Virgin Gold is an investment vehicle specifically dedicated to generating a good return for shareholders, regardless of gold price. Using stringent production costing, hedging and electronic trading, Virgin Gold can focus on its strategic objective of maximizing net asset value and cash flow per share.

By offering new Convertible Preferred Stocks to global investors, Virgin Gold aims to raise more capital to expand its global operations and achieve its objectives earlier.

Why Gold

For centuries, gold has been coveted for its unique blend of rarity, beauty, and near indestructibility. Nations have embraced gold as a store of wealth and a medium of international exchange; individuals have sought to possess gold as insurance against the day-to-day uncertainties of paper money.

Perhaps more importantly, in the past few years, gold has finally been treated as an asset class that investors must keep as part of their portfolios. Investment in gold can be in the form of physical gold bars (nuggets), paper gold, gold company shares, gold investment funds (mutual fund), gold futures and options.

Monetary authorities such as Central Banks and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have long held gold in their reserves. The public takes confidence from knowing that its Central Bank holds gold - an indestructible asset and one not prone to the inflationary worries overhanging paper money. Some countries give explicit recognition to its support for the domestic currency. Moreover, rating agencies will take comfort from the presence of gold in a country's reserves.

Gold is sometimes described as a non income-earning asset. This is untrue. There is a gold lending market and gold can also be traded to generate profits. There may be an "opportunity cost" of holding gold but, in a world of low interest rates, this is less than is often thought. The other advantages of gold may well offset any such costs. The opportunity cost of holding gold may be viewed as comparable to an insurance premium.

As for private individuals, nobody is suggesting that one should put 100% of their assets into gold investment. In any asset portfolio, it rarely makes sense to have all your eggs in one basket. Obviously the price of gold can fluctuate - but so too do the exchange and interest rates of currencies held in reserves. A strategy of reserve diversification will normally provide a less volatile return than one based on a single asset. Most investment consultants suggest exposure ranging between 10 and 35%.

The European Central Bank (ECB), for example, holds around 15-20% (depending on the market value) of its reserve in gold.

The question is not why, but rather how and how much.

What we Offer

Virgin Gold is undertaking an exercise of issuing fresh Convertible Preferred Stocks (CPS) and invites willing investors worldwide to take up this offer. The offer price starts at $0.80/share on 1 January, 2010 and will be increased periodically in accordance with the net asset value of the company. Such offering may be subject to a time limitation and the corporation’s need for capital.

Preferred Stock

Although preferred stock does not offer the same potential for profit as common stock, it is a more stable investment vehicle because it guarantees a regular dividend not directly tied to the market like the price of common stock. This type of stock guarantees dividends, unlike common stock.

The other advantage of preferred stock is that preferred stockholders get priority when it comes to dividend payment. In the event of a company's liquidation, preferred stockholders get paid before those owning common stock. In addition, if a company goes bankrupt, preferred stockholders enjoy priority distribution of the company's assets; while holders of common stock do not receive corporate assets unless all preferred stockholders have been compensated.

Like common stock, preferred stock represents ownership in a company. However, owners of preferred stock do not get voting rights in the business.

Convertible Preferred Stock

Convertible preferred stock is a type of stock which has a conversion price named at its issuance so that it can be converted to a company's common stock at the set rate.

Virgin Gold Convertible Preferred Stock may be converted into Common Stock of the company when the company chooses to launch an Initial Public Offering (IPO) by paying 50% of the price difference between the subscription price of Convertible Preferred Stock and the IPO share price.

Virgin Gold Convertible Preferred Stockholders are entitled to a fixed monthly dividend payment as agreed at the time of subscription. Convertible preferred stockholders may also unsubscribe their shares by giving 45 days’ notice to the company for a full refund of the subscription amount.

Why It Works

For Stockholders

* CPS stockholders get fixed monthly shareholder dividends. These are paid in ounces of gold, which are freely convertible into monetary value at the spot gold price.
* CPS holders may unsubscribe their shares by giving 45 days’ notice to the company.
* CPS holders may transfer their shares to another willing buyer at a higher price than their initial subscription price as Virgin Gold’’s share price will increase over time alongside the net asset value of the company.
* CPS holders are given capital and an interest free account in which to hold paper gold up to 3 times their share subscription value. Another great opportunity to further increases their medium to long term return.
* CPS holders may convert their shares into Common stock when Virgin Gold chooses to go public. If they choose not to do so, CPS holders will be refunded according to their subscription amount.
* CPS holders may even enjoy other incentives for referring new shareholders to the company.

For Company

* Capital from new shareholders enables the company to engage in bigger and more profitable operations.
* Higher turnover and liquidity enables the company to reach the IPO stage faster than its original plan.
* CPS holders will not interfere with the company’s operations and decision making, thus giving the current management a free hand to achieve the company’s short, medium and long term targets smoothly.

How It Work

Step 1 of 2

Fill up our online “Shareholder Application Form”. Once your online application is accepted, you will have a Shareholder ID which you can use to login to your online transaction account using your chosen password. You may start your transaction immediately.

Step 2 of 2

All shareholders are required to send us a scanned copy of their International Passport or National Identification card and another document to prove their address, such as a utility bill or bank statement within 30 days of registration or risk suspension of their account until we have received the requested documents.

  • Subscribe for shares

    To subscribe for shares, you must top up your credit account. You may do so by:
    • Requesting a wire transfer to us (minimum amount USD10,000); or
    • Arranging an internal transfer from other shareholders.
  • Accounts

    Every shareholder will have:
    • a gold account, value in ounces (oz)
    • a credit account, value in United States Dollar (USD)
    • a trading account, to hold/trade paper gold positions
    Gold can be freely converted to dollars at any time by the account holder wish at real-time spot gold conversion rates and vice versa.

    The trading account is for shareholders to hold a gold position for medium to long term gain. Every shareholder is allocated a credit facility equivalent to 3 times their share subscription monetary value to hold a gold position. For example: If John subscribes to 100,000 shares at 1.20/share = USD360, 000; John will be given 3 x 360,000 = a $1,080,000 credit facility to hold/trade paper gold positions. This credit facility comes with zero deposit and zero interest payment. Once a position is closed, gains or losses are credited into the Credit account.
  • Withdrawal of fund

    Shareholder may withdraw monies in their credit account by requesting a wire transfer to their personal bank account anywhere in the world. There will be no wire transfer into 3rd party accounts in compliance with International Anti Money Laundering and Terrorism Law/Act. Minimum withdrawals are set at USD1, 000.
Risk Factor

There is actually no real risk in subscribing to Virgin Gold Convertible Preferred Stocks (CPS).

First of all, CPS can be unsubscribed by giving the company prior notice for a full refund. If any shareholder is dissatisfied with how the company is being run, they may take back their capital investment; thus eliminating any further risk. In any case, CPS holders receive guaranteed monthly dividend payments and provided gold remains at around $1,000/oz, are expected to recover their investment within 1 year.

Secondly, even if the gold price plummets, Virgin Gold will not face any difficulty in fulfilling its dividend payment obligation to CPS holders as the dividend is paid in gold. The only difference is that CPS holders might have to wait longer to recover their initial investment because when the gold price is low, the monetary value equivalent is also lower.

The only possible risk is of Virgin Gold going bankrupt. However, a company the size ofVirgin Gold involved in gold exploration and mining has never been liquidated unless there is massive mismanagement. Our corporate values, governance policy and structure ensure that decisions are evaluated and monitored at almost every level of this corporation. Thus the risk of Virgin Gold ceasing operations can be ruled out. Moreover, Virgin Gold in particular has not been known for taking unnecessary risks. In fact we have proved ourselves to be a rigorous and financially disciplined corporation over the past decade. This corporation has never over-committed itself to projects that might not be profitable or dependent on a high gold price.

In the worst scenario of liquidation, CPS holders enjoy priority distribution of the company's assets over common share holders. So the risk of investors losing their investment is seriously negligible.

Nevertheless, it is still advisable for any potential investors to take advice from their qualified local financial and legal advisors before subscribing to Virgin Gold Convertible Preferred Stocks.

1 comment:

  1. no name at all of virgin gold in google search of gold mining companies in the world????


    fake cheaters
